Blogger cleared in porn photo montage of Media Authority chief

November 22, 2012

Prosecutors have chosen not to pursue a case against a blogger who published phony pictures of Media Authority President Annamária Szalai's face pasted onto pornographic images, according to reports. The Media Authority asked the public prosecutor to bring criminal charges against the blogger on grounds the images misused Szalai's sensitive personal data. The prosecutor this week determined that the images were political commentary and decided not to pursue the case.

The images in question were published in December 2010, in protest against a warning that the Media Council issued to Budapest’s popular radio station, Tilos Rádió, after the station played a song with swear words by American rapper Ice T. Numerous blogs and national online portals re-posted the blog entry and images. According to HVG, the Media Authority sent a letter to, a national online news portal that had linked to the blog post, asking editors to remove the link on grounds the material violates the Media Authority President's privacy and is vulgar. 

Blogs are not regulated under Hungary's new media law.


