Neo radio continues its life online

January 14, 2013

After losing its broadcast license in a court battle with the Media Council in November, Neo FM has reopened online as Neo’s owner Mihály Medveczky said that the station plans to continue their operation on the internet, Médiajogfigyelő reports. 

Neo FM ceased broadcasting November 10 after the Media Authority sued the company for unpaid broadcast fees. Neo FM had said the fee was unfair and sought legal redress but was unsuccessful in court and eventually had closed because it could not pay outstanding broadcasting fees to the Media Council.

The Media Council reportedly said that the frequency vacated by Neo FM will be made available once all legal questions in the case are finalized. Neo has been closely linked with Hungary's Socialist Party. Its closure leaves one national commercial radio station, Class FM, operating in Hungary. Class FM is a majority owned by Fidesz-linked businessman Zsolt Nyerges.
