Public Service Media in a Time of Global Reordering: Old Challenges, New Hope

August 2, 2018

What constitutes “public service media” (PSM) – its remit, its independence, its funding, its organizational configurations – is never set and self-evident. It constantly faces opposition from commercial competitors as well as political actors that seem to manifest in different reiterations year after year.  At the same time, its core values of universal service, public interest, and preservation of national culture can be found also outside of the Western PSM models.

This was the recurring theme in the IAMCR Post-conference Public Service Media in a Time of Global Reordering: Sustainability, Reinvention and Extension (25 June 2018). The event featured an array of cases that documented significant challenges but also interesting openings for unconventional and fresh thinking about public service media beyond the European iterations.

Read the notes about discussions of the conference compiled by Yik Chan Chin and Alessando D’Arma / IAMCR Public Service Media Policies Working Group, and Minna Horowitz / Global PSM Experts Network, who's also the co-organizer of our Public Media Speakers Series.

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