
What Happens When Academia and Media Work Together

When journalists team up with university researchers, only good things can come of it. With scale and structure, this type of collaboration can solve many, if not all, of the woes both journalism and academia are faced with.

Parthasarathi and Agarwal on Media Regulation in India

Two tendencies mark the regulatory framework of digital journalism in India, one ridden with control and the other with laissez faire, our Fellow Vibodh Parthasarathi and Simran Agarwal, co-authors of the Media Influence Matrix: India report wrote in their article Rein and Laissez Faire: The Dual Personality of Media Regulation in India, published by Digital Journalism.

Black Waters: An Account of an Experimental Hybrid Project

Journalists, anthropologists, a sociologist and a natural scientist came together in the Black Waters project to look into the causes and social consequences of environmental damage along the Danube. The project was run by the Center for Media, Data and Society in partnership with Atlatszo and Balkan Investigative Reporting Network.

Funding Journalism in Israel: Secrecy and Political Influence

Unusual opacity is the most salient characteristic of the media system in Israel, where the involvement of political figures in media operation raises serious concerns.

Who Finances India’s Journalism?

Commercial advertisers are the largest players in terms of funding spent in the media in India, but the state has also a significant role, financing the country’s public service broadcaster, shelling out public advertising money to commercial media and holding a monopoly over the news radio market.