
Tricked and Deceived: How Teenagers Take False News at Face Value and What Can Be Done About It

Despite growing up in the digital world, today’s teenagers are easy prey to disinformation, especially on their favorite social media platforms. Some fact-checking and media literacy outfits are struggling to fix that.

Technology in Ukraine: Playing Catch-Up

As Ukraine updates its communication policies, the country’s tech sector remains plagued by a delayed introduction of new technologies, a gaping urban-rural digital divide, skepticism towards the state and the problem of disinformation.

The UK Media Influence Matrix Final Report is Published Today

At the end of one year of research the final Media Influence Matrix: United Kingdom Report is being published today. The report provides a comprehensive and timely overview of the UK media landscape with a particular emphasis on the key institutions shaping the regulatory environment, the funding and consumption of news, and the impact of big tech on the production and consumption of journalism.

Understanding and Implementing Innovation in News Media and Journalism

"It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a media company in possession of a good fortune (an audience, brand recognition and decent revenues), must (still) be in want of innovation.", writes Damian Radcliffe in a report on innovation and news media, published  under CMDS' Journalism Breakthroughs project.

Lina Dencik Co-Authors Paper on Data-Driven Hiring Systems

In a new paper for New Media & Society, CMDS Fellow Lina Dencik and co-author Sanne Stevens analyze interviews with providers of data-driven hiring systems and find that their legitimization frames extend to ways in which work and workers should be organized and assessed.