Davor Marko
Davor Marko currently works as Western Balkans program manager for the Thomson Foundation. He is an experienced communication and media development expert, with experience in managing international projects aiming to support media outlets in their efforts to become more sustainable. He has expertise in public media, strategic communication, social media and audience trends, community building, online fundraising and innovative business models, and an extended experience in the region of South East Europe, especially in the Western Balkans region. Prior to this post, he worked as Media System Lead for IREX in Serbia, as well as with other donors and development organizations such as UNDP, Open Society, OSCE mission, etc. He has a strong academic background, holds a PhD in domain of communication and culture from the University of Belgrade, Serbia, and has been profiled as one of the leading solution-oriented researchers in the SEE region. He was awarded for demonstration of extraordinary research and analytical potentials, by Open Society Fund, UNESCO, OSCE and ZEIT Foundation Hamburg. He is the author of many local and regional media landscape assessments, research papers and publications. In his book entitled Zar na Zapadu postoji drugi Bog? (Does another God exist in the West?), he analyzes dominant stereotypes and prejudices on the Islam in the media of the Western Balkans. He is also co-editor of State or Nation? Challenges for Political Transition of Bosnia and Herzegovina (2011).