Media Influence Matrix Research Template
This is the common template that researchers in the Media Influence Matrix project are using as a base to collect and publish data, information and analysis. The research material will be collected according to a collaboratively-developed methodological and research guidance template. In the first stage, research data and findings will be presented as a collection of country chapters.
1.Government, Politics and Regulation
- Data and information on the main regulatory aspects and factors that directly or indirectly have an impact on media and journalism
- Profiles of the key external groups who influence the regulatory process
1.2.1. Broadcast media and frequency spectrum
Remit and tasks
Board composition
1.2.2. Print media regulators
Remit and tasks
Board composition
1.2.3. Internet regulators
Remit and tasks
Board composition
1.2.4. Data protection regulators
Remit and tasks
Board composition
1.2.5. Other regulators with powers in news media
1.2.2. Decision-making process
Key decision-makers
Transparency of decision-making
1.2.1. Internal/local
Industry players
Civil society
1.2.2. External
External factors
2. Funding
- Data and information about the main sources of funding in media and journalism
- Profiles of the key funders in media and journalism
- Data and information about the role of government in financing media and journalism
2.1. Shifts in journalism funding
Consumption trends
Popular news media
Influential news media
2.2. Key funders
Non-governmental funders
Government funding
3. Technology, public sphere and journalism
- Data and information about the role played by technology companies in reshaping journalism
- Profiles of the key technology companies involved in production and distribution of media content
3.1. Technology overview
3.2. Profiles of key players
3.3. Tech and government
3.4. Tech and journalism