
Parliament approves HUF 113 billion in funding for state media bodies in 2013

December 3, 2012

The Hungarian Parliament has allocated a total of HUF 113 billion, roughly EUR 380 million, for the 2013 budgets of Hungary's Media Authority, the Media Council, and Hungary's media management body, the Media Services and Asset Management Fund (MTVA), according to reports.

Magyar Nemzet urges stronger reaction against anti-Semitism

November 29, 2012

An article in pro-government daily Magyar Nemzet condemned conservative politicians for not reacting more vehemently against an anti-Semitic speech by a Jobbik MP calling for a list of of Hungarian citizens of  Jewish origin—especially of those who sit in Parliament—because they pose a threat to national security.

More layoffs planned for public media

November 22, 2012

The Media Services and Asset Management Fund (MTVA), the body that manages Hungary’s public media, announced that more layoffs will take place in the first week of December.

Blogger cleared in porn photo montage of Media Authority chief

November 22, 2012

Prosecutors have chosen not to pursue a case against a blogger who published phony pictures of Media Authority President Annamária Szalai's face pasted onto pornographic images, according to reports. The Media Authority asked the public prosecutor to bring criminal charges against the blogger on grounds the images misused Szalai's sensitive personal data. The prosecutor this week determined that the images were political commentary and decided not to pursue the case.

MTVA refuses to reveal new funding needs

November 20, 2012

The Media Services and Asset Management Fund (MTVA), the body that manages Hungary's public media, refused to tell members of Parliament why the amount it would borrow from a consortium of banks was increased from HUF 40 billion to HUF 63 billion, according to reports.